sábado, 3 de mayo de 2008

Approaching a definition of Web 2.0

Artículo escrito por Barb Dybwad en 2005
Artículo en inglés

Many folks are working towards getting at the heart of the Web 2.0 revolution. I agree that visualizations such as Tim O'Reilly's or Dion Hinchcliffe's are not simple enough — they're too jargon-filled and don't do much to describe the big picture in human-readable terms. I really like Richard MacManus's breakdown: "Web 2.0 is really about normal everyday people using the Web and creating things on it - forget the acronyms." Susan Mernit also captures this well: "The heart of Web 2.0 is the user... The tools power it, but the people do it."......

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